Review Collector

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Easily Acquire Customer Feedback & Encourage Reviews

Your business now has a simple yet powerful platform to gather customer feedback, measure your Visibility Score and encourage online reviews. Smooth.Reviews is a platform that starts with just your customers email address and does the rest for you.


It starts with an email

We provide the platform and the process to start engaging and listening to your customers.  The platform sends a customized email or quick link to start the feedback process after you enter your customers email address. Simple, fast and easy.

Most of today’s businesses lack a process to engage their customers in a feedback loop and Smooth Reviews instantly fills this void.

  1. Enter your customers email, we handle the rest

  2. Auto reminders for customers that don’t respond

  3. Custom URL & CRM Integration for automation


Customers give feedbackGet Customer Reviews

The customer is asked to rate how likely they are to refer your business to a friend and to comment on their experience.

Customers that rate you highly (you set the rating criteria) will then be asked to consider reviewing your business on one of the important review sites you have selected for your account.

Poor customer experiences are captured privately so you can follow-up with the customer to resolve their issue.

  • Positive comments captured for display on your website – you choose which ones

  • Positive rated experiences are asked to review you online (Google+, Citysearch, etc)

  • Filtering of negative reviews for offline follow-up



Get 5 Stars!


Encourage online reviews

Customers that rate you at or above your selected “positive rating” will be then asked to rate you on one of the 3rd party review sites you have selected.

This step offers direct links to your Google+ Local page, Yelp profile, Facebook page and dozens of other business profile pages so they can easily review your business.

Generating a steady and consistent stream of online customer reviews is important for many reasons and Smooth Reviews helps this process grow.

  • Only satisfied customers are encouraged to review you online

  • Direct links to the review profiles you care about

  • Smooth Reviews offers over 30 review networks to link to

  • Improve your current reviews online in both quality and quantity

  • Reviews factor in to local search rankings, online visibility and consumer confidence


Review DashboardReporting and management

With Smooth Reviews you truly have one platform to manage your online review reputation.  Your business benefits from multiple levels of feedback, encouragement of positive online reviews and an easy to manage dashboard whether you run just 1 or 500 locations.

Stop guessing and hoping for satisfied customers and leverage Smooth Reviews to ensure you are meeting their needs and growing the sharing of their experience with your business.

  • Web and mobile-friendly system and reports

  • Dashboard to report your Net Promoter Score, ratings, review monitoring

  • Website testimonial management and display in 1 click

  • Per location and per company reporting

Smooth Reviews gives you a consistent process for generating and responding to customer feedback so you can build your business.
